MACAE PD: New to MACAE and Adult Education

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New to MACAE and Adult Education Training

Friday, September 23, 2022

Virtual Zoom Webinar

9:00am-10:30am Virtual Training

Registration for MACAE Members is free: MACAE Members register here

Registration for Non-Members is a cost: Non-Members register here.


Free for MACAE Members (included in Membership costs); $50 for Non-Members (Half Day session)


Accessible through May 31, 2022 because it is recorded virtual training for asynchronous learning.


The training is open for new members of MACAE and for new or recently new Directors and administrators, teachers or program support staff of adult education.  This professional development will review some of the major news and developments regarding adult education through the MACAE association.  We will share some of the important functions of the association, ways to be engaged in professional learning communities and important features and functions of our website. We will share new strategies and research surrounding adult education and updates pertaining to the daily management and operations of programs.  We will also share some of the latest information on MAERS information, instructional strategies and more.  Participants will leave with a better understanding of the adult education landscape in Michigan.


Patrick Brown is the Executive Director of the Michigan Adult, Community and Alternative Education (MACAE) Association. He previously served in the education sector at the high school and adult education levels.  He has presented at the statewide and national levels on topics related to curriculum development, instructional delivery and design, program administration and strategic planning.

SCECHS:               AGENDA:

.5                            9:00am– 9:30am: MACAE Update

Sharing updates from the MACAE Association regarding professional learning communities, research and advocacy initiatives.

.5                            9:30am-10:00am: Overview of Adult Education in Michigan

This update will include a history of programming in Michigan and current funding for Section and WIOA, Assessment Policy Changes and Updates, Programming and Operations

.5                            10:00am-10:30: Breakout discussion:

There will important breakout mini sessions on how to support financial oversight and program management, innovative instructional strategies and outcomes for data support staff.

After small groups, all small groups with share their top goals for the next program year and also their top questions or priorities that we will focus on for future meetings.

10:30am Wrap Up and Evaluations

Total: 1.5 SCECHs

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