We are very grateful to these vendors for their continued support of MACAE. Many of these vendors were present at our most recent fall conference and participate in supporting professional development opportunities throughout the year.
Each month we offer a virtual Lunch and Learn Series. This open presentation opportunity allows for vendors to share updates on products and information with members prior to our monthly MACAE committee meetings. If you are interested in sponsoring one of our monthly Lunch and Learn Series, please contact the MACAE Outreach at macaeoutreach@gmail.com.
Academy of Medical Professionals
Amy Catlin
Email: info@academyofmedicalprofessions.com
Website: www.academyofmedicalprofessions.com
ACT | College and Career Readiness Solutions
Ed Conard
Email: edward.conard@act.org
Website: www.act.org
Alpha II Learning System
John Clark
Phone: (616) 450-5007
Email: jclark.alpha@gmail.com
Website: www.alpha2-learning.com
Aztec Software
Deanna Crosson
Phone: (973) 258-0011 ext. 407
Email: dcrosson@aztecsoftware.com
Website: www.aztecsoftware.com
Board Works
Andy Pridgeon
Email: andy.pridgeon@boardworksed.com
Website: www.boardworkseducation.com
Burlington English
Brandi Cardwell and Louie Paras
Email: brandi.c@burlingtonenglish.com & lewis.p@burlingtonenglish.com
Website: www.burlingtonenglish.com
Elizabeth Scheib and Kristine Mains
Phone: (858) 292-2900 ext. 118
Email: escheib@casas.org & kmains@casas.org
Website: www.casas.org
Data Recognition Corporation
Jon Weiss
Email: jweiss@datarecognitioncorp.com
Website: www.datarecognitioncorp.com