We would like to welcome you to join our MACAE Committee meetings this year as we relaunch and reengage our membership in this opportunity. We believe that the knowledge, experience, and synergy that our members bring to our committees help to incubate new innovative ideas and continually improve and shape our states educational for all of our learners. These committees’ meetings will be held virtually, and SCECHs will be available. This is a great way to engage in MACAE and leverage the most out of your membership.
The purpose of the MACAE Committees is to gather resources and ideas to create best practices in each area.
Each committee this year will concentrate its efforts in the following areas:
- Analyzing statewide data trends and best practices in that particular content area
- Producing innovative programming initiatives
- Gathering resources, ideas for program improvement and enhancement
- Offering leadership and input on statewide initiatives
- Organizing professional development resources and training to support the field
- Making recommendations for improved services and outcomes for participants
Each committee is represented by a chairperson on the MACAE Board of Directors.
Committee Meeting dates will be announced soon.
Adult Basic Education (ABE)/Literacy
Michael Evans, Kalamazoo Literacy Council mevans@kalamazooliteracy.org
The MACAE ABE/Literacy Group will provide best practices and resources to the adult education field to increase performance goals and participant success. Vision: Every adult will develop strong lifelong knowledge and skills to contribute to their family, the workforce and their community to become global citizens.
Alternative Education
Renae Gowen, Southgate Adult, Alternative & Community Education gowenr@sgate.k12.mi.us
The Alternative Education Committee seeks to serve the Alternative education and Alternative high school populations across the state. The committee focuses on State Policies and Performance, Teaching and Learning Strategies, and Social/Emotional Aspects for both students and teachers.
Community Education
Brian Puffer, Saline Areas Schools Community Education Director, Chair (pufferb@salineschools.org)
The Community Education Committee seeks to support Adult/Alternative Education, Early Childhood, Before and After School CARE, Enrichment and Recreation classes, Facility Management, Sports Camp, Vocational and Workplace Learning, and Career Technical Education across the state of Michigan in the public school system. Community Education supports the whole family from cradle to career.
English as a Second Language
Mariah Shafer, Refugee Development Center, mshafer@rdclansing.org
The MACAE English as a Second Language (ESL) Committee will provide best practices and resources to the adult education field to increase performance goals and participant success.
High School Equivalency/High School Completion
Whitney Dettmer, Iosco RESA Adult Education, Chair wdettmer@ioscoresa.net
The High School Equivalency Committee supports adult and alternative education, and workforce training preparation programs who offer high school equivalency options (High School Diploma, GED, HiSET, TASC). The committee seeks to identify best practices and guidance for instructional best practices, program administration of multiple HSE testing streams, preparation materials and curriculums, sharing participants success stories and access to cost effective testing for program participants.
Integrated Education and Training
Karyn Goven, Southwest Economic Solutions, Chair kgoven@swsol.org
The Integrated Education and Training Committee’s vision is to prepare educators, researchers and policymakers to understand interdisciplinary education and work connections. This will be accomplished by networking, building partnerships, creating and providing professional development, curriculum and instruction in a variety of formats to meet the diverse needs of professionals in the field.
Regional Conveners Cohort
MACAE, Facilitator (macaeoutreach@gmail.com)
The Regional Conveners is a collaborative think tank made up of all regional prosperity fiscal agents along with one adult education provider. The Cohort meets periodically throughout the year virtually with members of the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity to discuss strategies and best practices to improve the delivery of adult education programming across the state.
Please email macaeoutreach@gmail.com if you are interested in joining a committee.