If you are a NEW member or need technical assistance with our membership, please reach out to our MACAE Office at macaeoffice@gmail.com.

For 41 years, the Michigan Adult, Community, Alternative Ed Association (MACAE), has represented the administrators, executives, teachers, instructors, support staff, volunteers and workforce development professionals across the State of Michigan.

MACAE is dedicated to representing professionals (administrators and directors, support staff and instructional staff) in adult, alternative, community education/ early child­care and enrichment and integrated education and training and credentialing.  We continue to be dedicated to growing our membership among diverse groups and representing all of the populations they serve. We can do that best if you join our efforts.

Consider becoming a MACAE member or returning to MACAE with your membership. We believe you will find an organization made up of very dedicated professionals who share a belief system that leads to community improvement and empowerment.

Our MACAE Membership runs on an annual basis from July 1-June 30 in a given year.  Sign up today to take full advantage of your benefits!

MACAE is dedicated to its membership through advocacy alerts, quality professional development, networking and the resource sharing of best practices, strategic planning support, regular communications, and timely focus group connections.

The 2024-25 organizational rates for MACAE will be as follows:

2024-2025 MACAE Membership Pricing:

All virtual professional development offerings are included with MACAE membership. Additional pricing for Annual Fall Conference, Spring Institute and other events is specified below.  This list may not be exhaustive and may need to be adjusted accordingly.

Individual Membership (does not include any virtual professional development): $300

All other membership levels include unlimited virtual professional development opportunities:

Individual Membership with Professional Development: $375

Organizational Rate for 2-3 persons: $550

Organizational Rate for 4 persons: $650

Organizational Rate for 5-6 persons: $750

Organizational Rate for 7-9 persons: $900

Organizational Rate for 10-15 persons: $1200

Organizational Rate for 16-19 persons: $1600

Organizational Rate for 20 and above: $2000

Nonprofit Literacy Agency (Below $70,000 annual adult education budget): $200 for three persons

Community Education Department: $200 for three persons

Retired Members: $40

MACAE will host professional webinar opportunities throughout the year on the following topics and these are included as a part of your membership: Teacher Reflection Tools and Strategies, Diversity/Equity Inclusion in Decision Making, Utilizing Data Tools, Universal Design for Learning, Google Tools, Student Retention, Data Best Practices, Institutional Programming, Enrichment Programming, etc.   These webinars are included free with membership.

Additional Professional Development Costs for 2024-2025:

MACAE 2025 Virtual Spring Institute (two day experience): April 2025: $250

For 2024 Fall Conference information see: https://macae.org/professional-development/macae-fall-conference-2024/ 

Strategic Planning Support: $750 (includes three strategic planning sessions with your program)

Cost for Non-Members to attend MACAE webinars: $50

Cost for Non-Members to attend MACAE in-person one-day training: $150


Professional Development

  • Monthly Workshops on best practices information
  • Webinars on pertinent and timely matters
  • Regular communications and updates on statewide initiatives
  • Annual Fall Conference
  • SCECHs for K-12 administrator and teacher certification renewal
  • Resource sharing and access to statewide list serve of providers
  • Professional Networking Opportunities with practitioners from across the state and around the country.
  • Membership to the Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE)

Professional Networking

  • Statewide Collaborations and Partnerships
  • Resource Sharing and access to statewide list serve for providers
  • Participation in one of our standing Committees:
  • Adult Basic Education/Literacy, Alternative Education, Community Education, High School Equivalency, Advocacy and Workforce Development
  • Monthly updates/MACAE Membership newsletter
  • Membership Survey and findings: best practices, innovative ideas, etc.


  • Access to professional development documentation and resources/handouts
  • Full time office staff for member troubleshooting and support
  • Membership Directory and Updates


  • Membership to COABE
  • Recommendations to Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity for improved outcomes and delivery of services
  • Membership Representation:
    • State Board of Education
    • Michigan Department of Education (MDE)
    • Michigan Department of Health and Human Resources
    • Local school boards, local workforce development boards
    • Michigan After School Partnership Steering Committee (MASP)
    • Regional adult education meetings in all ten prosperity regions
    • Section 107 Taskforce

MACAE Committees:
(Meetings with Peers and State Leaders each month)

  • Adult Basic Education/Literacy
  • Alternative Education
  • Community Education
  • High School Equivalency/High School Completion
  • Advocacy
  • Workforce Development
  • English as a Second Language

Membership Discounts

  • All Professional Development Offerings
  • Special Events
  • Fall Conference Registration
  • Annual Voting Privileges
  • Nominate Candidates for MACAE Board and Officers
  • Vote for Regional Representative to MACAE Board
  • Vote for President, Vice President and Member-At-Large Candidates
  • Vote on MACAE By-Law Changes

Membership Recognition

  • Nominate fellow peers for statewide recognition at Annual Awards Celebration
  • Recognition on social media and member profiles
  • Access to professional job posting and sharing
  • Appointments to Key State-Level Workgroups